We are gneiss people
Gneiss (pronounced 'nice') is a metamorphic rock formed at high temperature and pressure. It can be identified by its distinct foliation (banding); alternating layers of darker and lighter mineralogy. This foliation (gneissic banding) is represented in our brand symbol and can be seen throughout the brand experience. Gneiss is the type of rock you are most likely to climb in the Okanagan. GNEISS CLIMBING; a brand inspired by the momentum of a massive development push in Kelownas' bouldering mecca, THE BOULDERFIELDS. Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that focuses on power and technical movements without the hindrance of safety hardware (ropes and harness). Large safety mats cover the ground above which one climbs and a safe landing is ensured by these mats. Bouldering is an ideal entrance point into the sport of climbing; it develops and refines the fundamental technique and movement needed to climb in any discipline. Bouldering builds power, strength, balance, agility, coordination, flexibility and cognitive problem solving. Bouldering; a sport on its own with a local competition series, national level competition series, and further to World Cup and possibly the Olympics in 2020. Bouldering is a perfect cross train for athletes looking to refine fundamental movement, power, agility and cognitive process.
/ Christiaan de Vries
/ Nancy de Vries
/Contact: chris@gneissclimbing.com